Custom Software's Impact on Education

Written by Mario Agüero|Posted on December 19, 2022

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From K-12 through to the upper echelons of academia, the education sector as a whole is seeing increased adoption of technology at every level. Technology in the educational setting is especially important for young learners who, as digital natives, already interact with the world via the web and their devices, and will need to know how to effectively use these tools in the workplace.

Because of the advantages in efficiency, learning, and student engagement that technology offers, schools and universities are using custom software to improve the experience for both students and staff.

Below, we outline just a few of the ways technology can be used in schools.

Access to Online Resources

Online learning, or e-learning, can range from supplementing an in-person class with online materials to a complete course being delivered via a website that includes information, exercises, tests, and video lectures. This facilitates distance learning for those who cannot otherwise physically attend the school and encourages student research and information exchanges outside of the institutional building.

A custom mobile app can also provide students with engaging multimedia or gamified educational resources both in and out of class.

Operational and Management Efficiency

Just like any organization, educational institutions must record and manage large amounts of data, including timetables, attendance, meetings, book orders, grades, and more. They can commission custom software platforms for enterprises that help manage all these processes electronically, speeding things up via automation, and better organize staff and students. Professors can also use custom software to prepare and track lesson plans, coordinate student group projects, and collaborate with other faculty.

Furthermore, performance monitoring software and analytics can be used to assess the effectiveness of teachers and course content and make evidence-based decisions for improvements.

Boost Student Enrollment

The school or university can advertise its courses and teachers via an attractive website designed by UI specialists. The website can also allow students to easily enroll online from their devices in just a few clicks.

Why Custom Software?

The value of technology in education is evident, although many off-the-shelf custom software packages are not optimized for education. That’s why schools and universities are turning to custom software development companies to craft educational software that exactly meets their needs.

To read the original news article, click here.

Mario Agüero

Mario Agüero

General Manager


Buenos Aires, Argentina

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